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Rotation Overview

Comprehensive Nephrology Training in Dallas

Below, you will find a review of the various departments you will rotate through during your Nephrology Scholarship. During each rotation, you will gains hands-on experience and familiarize yourself with various medical procedures.

Outpatient Clinical Rotation

Learn to evaluate and treat kidney diseases on an outpatient basis. This includes taking patient histories and doing physical examinations, ordering and analyzing laboratory and radiological data, formulating treatment strategies, educating patients, and following up with and monitoring patients.

Renal Consultative Service Rotation

Refine knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary to diagnose, manage, treat, and educate patients with renal and related diseases. This includes defining the role of the primary care provider and multidisciplinary care team in the management of the renal patient, acting as a patient advocate, and operating as a partner with healthcare managers and providers to assess, coordinate, and improve healthcare.

Transplantation Rotation

Gain the highest level of training in clinical kidney and pancreas transplantation. This includes pre-transplant evaluation of the recipient, living donor, and cadaver donor/organ procurement; surgical technique and management; and post-transplant in-hospital and outpatient care, short and long term. Attending transplant surgeries in the operating room is included in the rotation.

Dialysis Rotation

Perform longitudinal follow-up of peritoneal and hemodialysis patients to refine knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to diagnose, manage, and treat renal failure patients and develop health promotion behaviors in this population. Understand the business of managing a dialysis facility and the role and responsibility of a medical director.

Research Rotation

Acquire research experience in various areas including renal physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, or clinical research, and become familiar with the methods and problems inherent in performing and interpreting clinical and basic research. Participate in the design, performance, and interpretation of a research project.